Advanced Usage

How to have different emails and phones?

To have different emails and phone numbers you only need to follow the previous steps only with a small difference, you need add to the configuration file, a constant for each email or phone, in this case I put 3 emails and 3 phone numbers, now only You put in a constant named hiddeNumber the number of different emails that you are going to have, if you are only going to have two different emails and three different phones, put the number 3.

const email1 = '';
const phone1 = '1111111';

const email2 = '';
const phone2 = '2222222';

const email3 = '';
const phone3 = '3333333';

const hiddeNumber = '3';

Now you only have to put the class to the corresponding emails or phones, the emailHidde1 class refers to the constant email1 and emailHidde2 to the constant email2.

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    <title>Hidden From Bots</title>
    <p class="emailHidde1">Email</p>
    <p class="phoneHidde1">Phone</p>

    <button class="emailHidde2">Email</button>
    <button class="phoneHidde2">Phone</button>

    <p class="emailHidde3">Email</p>
    <p class="phoneHidde3">Phone</p>

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